September 5, 2012

Good Times

I got a feelin ♫...

Some people who look at my work ask me how my mind works.  It's a strange, anxious world in there.  I'm not a fine artist, I'm an arter, someone who can make something from something else.  So is my Dad, as was his Mom.  

"Momoo" had a sewing studio that was my Sunday work space.  She taught me straight lines, a clean back (because people WILL look on the flip side) and inspired do-it-yourself creativity.  "Popoo" had a metal shop that I'd run to after breaking sewing needles.  I was routing steel and drilling wood by the time I was 12, demanding to be one of the first girls in Jr. High to take shop instead of home ec.  

Grammie's kitchen was different.  It was chaos on any given Saturday, with a quilt being sewn at the table while she was baking up a storm--cabinets doors ajar and flour all about.  I thrived in that multi-tasking wonderland.

CacoPop brings it all home with his pickings.  Driftwood becomes a display case.  A potbelly stove--a lamp.  That corroded bench in the back room boiler room at Bethlehem Steel is now at my kitchen table.  And no metal is ever scrap.

Mom creates order and does all things perfectly perfect--always has, and that's how everything gels.  And I'm fortunate to have an amazingly supportive DH, amused children and Ferris as a brother.

Good things are happening :) ...

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